Best Farmhouse in Karachi - A Dream Come True
With winter break coming, or the summer vacations approaching, the only thought that keeps us occupied is the list of resorts/places we will visit to have fun. Remember how back in the old days, we used to visit our grandma’s to have all the fun with our favorite people? & Just like that, what if the only place you would want to go is your own second home, then things surely get a little too nostalgic, right?
Today, we are bringing you a place that you along with your immediate family would love to own and will thank us, in the future, for it.
Al-Barsha Farmhouses
A Project by Al – Barsha Developers who aim to attain their goal of ‘making quality living accessible to everyone’. Blessed with the natural beauty of a wonderful lake, this farmhouse is truly a place synonymous with your serenity. Al – Barsha Farmhouses are 1000 sq. yards’ plots being offered at the current rate of 11 LAC PKR. This makes it very easy and affordable for people to own their second home where they can come & stay for as long as they want without having to worry about the payment etc. This amazing farmhouse project has all that one needs to make their stopovers as entertaining and memorable as they look out for.
Amenities & Features
Al-Barsha developers have ensured that you get the maximum possible amenities so you enjoy every minute at your second home. Believe us when we say, your return to your routine life would become a disappointment for you.
They have provided all the following amenities & much more because they are cognizant of how crucial good sports and healthy eating are for your body, soul, and mind. So, buckle up for the list you are about to get that includes an extravagant Horse Riding Club, Open Gym, Playground, Jogging track, Mosque, Fishing Lake, Floating Restaurants, etc.
Horse Riding Club
Horse riding is said to have multiple benefits such as stabilizing the trunk, lowering your inner thighs and pelvic muscles, improving your muscles tone and flexibility, and last but not least boosting mental health and helping in attaining an optimistic mindset.
Be surprised, because this farmhouse owns its own horse riding club that will have professional trainers along with elegant horses to help you take the ride while enjoying that as much as you want. This would be a perfect spot to come to and spend your time if you wish to stay active physically and have fun while doing it.
Open Air Gym/Outdoor Exercise
Unlike indoor exercise, outdoor exercises help you gain quality exposure to the sunlight that’s essential for vitamin D. This, in turn, boosts your stamina which ultimately helps you stay motivated to work out.
Due to so many benefits of an open-air gym, Al-Barsha Farmhouses have also added plenty of space for that. So, besides getting your stamina boosted your body gets the max level of oxygen while working out.
Play Ground
A farmhouse without a playground can be a farmhouse but surely not the best one right? The best one needs to cater to all your needs and make you and your family entertained during your stay. Considering this, Al-Barsha farmhouse surely rises as the best farmhouse in Karachi because they care not only about you but also about your children and their needs.
Playing outdoors is both physically and mentally healthy for your kids since it boosts their physical strength, cognitive skills, and also strengthens immunity. Therefore, Al-Barsha Farmhouses have ensured that your kids’ playtime is a fun time that they won’t forget and will keep coming for more. Their playgrounds will be filled with entertaining and enjoyable rides like swings, slides, merry-go-rounds, see-saws, giant strides, monkey bars, bouncy castles, etc.
Jogging Track
A healthy jog strengthens your bones, muscles, and immunity and keeps your heart healthy. Remember, it's right when they say, “The healthier the heart, the healthier you get”. It is doubtlessly the best cardio everybody can perform easily. Be it your little walk out in the night after dinner, or a motivated jog out in the morning, you will enjoy both of them equally with our spacious paths allocated to jogging tracks.
Having fun or exercising charges you mentally and strengthens you physically as well. But, what about recharging your soul or boosting the spirituality in you? Don’t worry, at Al-Barsha farmhouses you won’t have to look out somewhere else for it. The mosque at the farmhouses is an epitome of serenity with traditional Mughal architectural design and spacious halls. This would be the perfect mosque for you or your parents to spend quality time in peace connecting with the Almighty Lord. Quran copies and other religious books would also be available so you can recite them and fill your soul with an optimistic light.
Fishing Lake
The best thing about Al Barsha Farmhouses is the natural serenity of the lake that you get in your purlieu. Plus, to utilize it effectively, they have provided you the space where you can go fishing or take your kids for that as well. This way with exercising, playing, and having fun roaming around you also get this unique feature that many farmhouses lack. Considering this, it can be treated as the First Farmhouse in Karachi that is offering a fishing lake. Take our word for it, this can be the best experience of your life that you will get nowhere else.
Floating Restaurant
After a long entertaining day, when you feel sapped off, the floating restaurants with BBQ restaurants might be the best thing that you’d want. Al-Barsha farmhouses have this dedicated space for restaurants to kill your hunger with excellent quality food so you and your family stay healthy and keep visiting the farmhouse for stuffing in more fun and happy moments in your life. The restaurants will include bbq restaurants, family restaurants, fast food restaurants, etc.
Your dream farmhouse is just 2 hours away from the Karachi toll plaza. To be exact it is on the National Highway towards Gharo, Mirpur Sakhro. The commute is not only safe, but also a fun journey to take with the family because who doesn’t love to go on vacations with family with a long journey in it?
You might be wondering about the best time to invest, so let us tell you it is ‘RIGHT NOW’ since it is being offered at the pre-launch rates and these rates will be more than TRIPLED in the coming 5-10 years – A whopping return isn’t it? As per our information, almost all of their inventory has been sold out, and only 16 units are remaining because obviously, who wouldn’t want such an excellent value for money?
So, go book this farmhouse for your family today, your happy moments are worth it!
For further information, you can always contact Redbox Estate Experts at 0311-1112266
- What is The Best Farmhouse in Karachi?
According to real estate experts, Al-Barsha Farmhouses is the only farmhouse in Karachi that is providing so many amenities that too with a natural lake and a proper fishing spot to go fishing. So this is surely the perfect option for investment because it is not only offered at pre-launch rates but it’s rates will be more than tripled in the next 5-10 years.
- How can I invest in Al-Barsha Farmhouse?
For investment details contact Our real estate experts at: 0311-1112266
- What amenities do I get? Is it a Better value for my money?
Al-Barsha Developers have provided all these amenities & much more because they are cognizant of how crucial good sports and healthy eating are for your body, soul, and your mind. So, buckle up for the list you get because it includes an extravagant Horse Riding Club, Open Gym, Playground, Jogging track, Mosque, Fishing Lake, Floating Restaurants, & a lot more. Al-Barsha Farmouses is an excellent value for money since it is currently being offered at the pre-launch rates and these rates will be more than TRIPLED in the coming 5-10 years
- Who is the Developer/Builder of Al-Barsha Farmhouses?
About The Developer
Al-Barsha Developers is one of the few developers who have revolutionized the real estate by incorporating advanced technology and working to enhance the living standard all by being efficient and affordable.
Al-Barsha Developers Story
Al-Barsha developers stepped into this business with the goal of helping people achieve their dreams of becoming property owners by offering market-competitive & most affordable rates. They understand that the economic conditions have made it seem like a dream unattainable for many of us. But, Al-Barsha Developers is revolutionizing the industry by being the one who leaves no stone unturned to help people get the property that they have always dreamt of. Besides ensuring that your investment helps you enhance your living standard, Al-Barsha Developers have made it their motto to help you attain those dreams of “owning property” at the lowest possible costs. So, Achieve Your Dreams, Own Your Property with Al-Barsha Developers.
Their vision is to help people attain their dreams of owning property at wallet-caring rates
Values are the pillars to make us all stand high in between a million. Al-Barsha Developers, being the industry trendsetters, are proud of their values & integrity.
Their Values include:
- Trust
- Quality
- Commitment to Deliver